How to Make a 3D Sleep Mask (Shade) That doesn't Touch Your Eyes | Free Sewing Pattern | made by JOJO

These are not bras.

Pictures and Description

3D Sleep Mask
I made new 3D sleep masks.
It's a slightly easier shape to make.

3D Sleep Mask
This is the mask I made first. It has a more rounded shape.
Make it any shape you want.

3D Sleep Mask
The 3D sleep mask is comfortable and cool because it does not touch the eyes.
And it will protect your eyelashes.

3D Sleep Mask
There are two free patterns, one for adults and one for children.

3D Sleep Mask
My children wore them.
It is said that it is good for eye health if there is no light while sleeping.

3D Sleep Mask
Size of 3D sleep masks.


3D Sleep Mask
3D Sleep Mask

(You can download the pattern at the bottom of this post.)


3D Sleep Mask
Linen, Cotton,Non-woven Fusible Interfacing (2 oz)
12mm Elastic Band 37cm (14½in) - for adlts, 36cm (14¼ in) - for kids
Needle and thread

Dark fabrics don't have to be black.
Adjust the elastic band length yourself.

How to make

3D Sleep Mask
1. Attach the interfacing to the wrong side of lining.
2. Place the pattern on top and mark each point.

3D Sleep Mask
3. Cut the pattern with scissors and draw round lines on both sides.

3D Sleep Mask
4. Fold the center line on both sides.

5. Sew the marked round lines.
6. Trim the seam allowance with 5mm (¼in) left.
Next, using your scissors or pinking shears, clip V-shaped notches along the curve of outer.

3D Sleep Mask
7. Open the outer seam allowance on both sides so that the right side of the outer is convex.
8. Fix a elastic band on top of the outer and put the lining.
9. Sew it, leaving an opening.

3D Sleep Mask
10. Trim seam allowances and notching.
11. Turn inside out.

3D Sleep Mask
12. Make shape and sew the opening with an invisible stitch.



00:20 Size 00:24 Materials 00:31 Attaching interfacing 01:00 Draw round lines 02:16 Sewing round lines 03:11 Trim seam allowances 04:31 Fixing the elastic band 04:44 Lay the lining and sew it 06:02 Clipping 06:49 Turn inside out 07:30 Hand sewing the opening.

Download Pattern

3D Sleep Eye Mask Free Sewing Pattern PDF

No Derivative Works and Redistribution

Download Pattern

3D Sleep Eye Mask Free Sewing Pattern PDF

No Derivative Works and Redistribution

Download Pattern

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  1. Thank you soooooooo much for this beautiful and realy useful tutorials.

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