How to Make a Standing Pencil Case, Pencil Pouch | Free Sewing Pattern | made by JOJO

Here is an easy to make standing pencil case.

Pictures and Description

Standing Pencil Case
I made a standing pencil case.

Standing Pencil Case
You can use it by opening the zipper and standing it up like this way.

Standing Pencil Case
There is plenty of storage space, so you can put scissors, glue, etc.

Standing Pencil Case
Dimensions of a standing pencil case.


Standing Pencil Case
This is the measurement of the standing pencil case pattern.

(You can download the pattern at the bottom of this post.)


Standing Pencil Case
Linen, Non-woven fusible interfacing, No.3 zipper
The outer fabric and lining are cut with a 1cm (⅜") seam allowance added.
The body is cut by folding, and only the top of the lining is 2cm (¾").

How to make

Standing Pencil Case
1. Attach the interfacing to the outer fabric.

Standing Pencil Case
2. Split the zipper and sew one by one to the round part of the outer fabric.
3. Clipping or Notching.
4. Turn inside out.

Standing Pencil Case
5. Fold the fabric for the handle, sew in two rows, and sew at the marked position.
6. Repeat steps 2 to 5 one more time.

Standing Pencil Case
7. Put the zipper slider and sew the ends to keep the zipper from opening.

Standing Pencil Case
8. Sew the side seams of the body part and make the bottom.

Standing Pencil Case
9. Turn the body outer fabric inside out and put the lining into the outer fabric.
10. Open the zipper, turn it inside out, and put the body.
11. Wrap it around the lining of the body and sew it.

Standing Pencil Case
12. Done!


Dimensions 00:21 Materials 00:43 Attaching interfacing 01:13 Zipper 02:32 Handle 05:09 Making the bottom part. 06:45 Connecting up and down.

Download Pattern

Standing Pencil Case Pattern

No Derivative Works and Redistribution

Download Pattern

Make sure the print scale is 100%.


  1. Thanks for the pattern it's very generous of you .. godbless you ^^

  2. Thank you for the free pattern going to make this for my kids. I go in to their class and I always see pencils rolling around.

    1. I hope your kids like it. Have a good one. thank you!

  3. Was für eine tolle Idee. Herzlichen Dank für das kostenlose Muster. lg

  4. Merci beaucoup pour ce patron !

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